On Wednesday, ESPN reported on former MLB star Alex Rodriguez and his connection to the 10-year-old Biogenesis doping scandal. Confidential documents were revealed. (Marcio Jose Sanchez / Associated Press)
ESPN reports that nine years ago, Alex Rodriguez was linked to three Major League Baseball All-Stars,Manny Ramirez,Ryan Braun, and an unnamed player, told federal investigators that they were customers of Biogenesis founderAnthony Bosch's performance-enhancing drugs.
In 2014, the then-New York Yankees star was summoned by federal agents as part of an investigation of the Biogenesis of Americaclinic. Rodriguez was given the status of so-called "queen for a day" and the information he shared that day was not to be used against him in later legal proceedings.
Rodriguez had to tell the truth or there would have been a huge problem if the FBI had found out that she had lied.
Rodriguez spoke - and in the process ratted out several fellow big-time players for their involvement in the doping scandalthat was rocking MLB at the time.
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